Accounting Department

Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Ardy
Head of the Accounting Department

"The Accounting Department at the Higher Institute of Foreign Trade was established as one of the institute’s departments since its inception in 1960. It later became the Accounting Department at the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration in 1975. The department offers various programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in specializations such as financial accounting, managerial accounting, cost accounting, special accounting, and auditing.

Faculty members in the department also participate in teaching accounting courses in the college’s new programs, such as BIS, FMI, PPP, and PBIS. They contribute to the development of scientific research through publications in both local and international academic journals specializing in accounting.

The department strives to keep pace with the rapid and continuous developments in the business environment to achieve the desired quality in its graduates by adopting expert systems, artificial intelligence, and other modern technological methods.

Many of the department’s faculty members provide academic consultations in accounting, auditing, taxation, and feasibility studies at the local, Arab, and regional levels.

Department Vision

"Towards exceptional accounting education and the preparation of highly professional accountants in accordance with local and international quality standards, capable of competing in the job market both locally and globally, and achieving a knowledge-based society.


Department Mission


The mission of the Accounting Department is to provide educational services to prepare qualified, distinguished accountants who excel academically, professionally, and in research. These accountants contribute to achieving sustainable development and meeting the needs of the labor market within a knowledge-based society. They are capable of serving the community and developing the environment with their diverse research and professional skills

Fields of Work of the Department

The department's fields of work include the following:

  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Management Accountant and Cost Accountant
  • Internal Auditor
  • Tax Accountant.

Main Specializations in the Department


The main specializations in the department include the following:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Cost Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Tax Accounting
  • Special Accounting
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