Information Technology Unit

Unit Over view

The Information Technology Unit at the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Helwan University, is dedicated to providing students, academic staff, and administrative personnel with the necessary technological resources to enhance the educational and research environment. The unit is committed to delivering effective technological support and developing IT infrastructure to ensure the optimal use of digital tools and platforms.


Vision & Mission

Unit Vision

To be a leading Information Technology Unit in developing technical services at the faculty by providing innovative and effective solutions in line with global technological advancements, supporting digital transformation, and contributing to achieving the highest levels of academic and administrative performance. The unit also ensures the sustainability of modern IT infrastructure to achieve excellence in education and research.

Unit Mission

The Information Technology Unit at the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Helwan University, strives to provide high-quality technical services to support students, academic staff, and administrative personnel in enhancing and improving the educational and research environment. The unit aims to offer the latest technologies and digital solutions that facilitate access to knowledge and promote continuous learning by providing comprehensive technical support and developing the technological infrastructure

Unit Board of Directors

The organizational structure of the unit consists of:

Dean of the College and Chairman of the Board of Directors
Unit Manager - Assoc. Prof. Mohamed Abdel Salam Ahmed


Unit Committees


Scientific Departments Coordinators Committee
Technical Support Committee
Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee
Training Committee
Publications and Information Committee
Standards Coordinators Committee
Internal Audit and Follow-up Committee
Information and Statistics Committee
Student Committee

Unit Tasks

Infrastructure Support: Improving and maintaining the IT infrastructure to ensure reliable and secure operation for all users.
Training and Skill Development: Organizing workshops and training sessions for students, faculty, and staff to enhance their efficiency in using technology.
Enhancing Access to Digital Resources: Facilitating access to digital resources to enrich educational materials.
University Email Management: The unit is responsible for creating and maintaining email accounts for students and faculty, ensuring the security and easy access to these accounts.
Development and Management of Interactive Course Books: The unit oversees the design and updating of interactive course books for various subjects to enhance the digital learning experience for students.
Activation and Operation of New Systems: The unit plays a vital role in evaluating, activating, and operating new technological systems within the faculty, including administrative, academic, and security systems.
Technical and IT Support: Providing technical support for technology-related issues and inquiries for all users within the faculty, including immediate maintenance and repairs for system malfunctions.

جامعة حلوان

Helwan University strives to be a leading educational and research institution in technology and the arts, and excels in education and sciences according to international quality standards

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