Quality Assurance Unit

Overview of the unit

The Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Unit at the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration seeks to promote and embed a culture of quality across the entire faculty, including all its units, such as agencies, academic departments, academic and professional programs, and other administrative and operational units


Vision and Mission

Vision of the Unit

The Quality Assurance Unit aspires to excel in the implementation of quality assurance systems and to continuously enhance and improve institutional, educational, and research performance.

Mission of the unit

The Quality Assurance Unit aims to promote a culture of quality and evaluate the academic and institutional performance of the faculty's units, applying local, regional, and global academic standards. This is to ensure the quality of educational and research processes, secure accreditation for academic and professional programs within the faculty, and strengthen community partnerships.

Board of Directors of the Unit

The organizational structure of the unit consists of:

  • Dean of the Faculty and Chair of the Board
  • Director of the Unit: Prof. Dr. Amira Mohamed Amara
  • Deputy Director of the Unit: Dr. Nada Mohamed Hafez
  • Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs
  • Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development
  • Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research
  • Representatives from the Academic Departments
  • Faculty Secretary
  • Representative from the External Community
  • Student Union Secretary of the Faculty

Committees of the Unit

  • Committee of Academic Department Coordinators
  • Technical Support Committee
  • Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee
  • Training Committee
  • Publishing and Media Committee
  • Standards Coordinators Committee
  • Internal Review and Monitoring Committee
  • Information and Statistics Committee

Tasks of the Unit

  • Develop the strategic plan for the college and formulate its vision and mission.
  • Establish and implement mechanisms to monitor the college's activities in various fields.
  • Prepare the annual report for the college and develop performance improvement plans.
  • Conduct periodic reviews of the college's strategic plan, vision, mission, and various activities.
  • Establish and implement a performance evaluation system at the college level.
  • Utilize evaluation results to propose plans for improving performance at the college level.
  • Promote a culture and concepts of quality among faculty members, their assistants, administrative staff, and students at the college.
  • Assess the training needs for enhancing the capabilities of faculty members, their assistants, and administrative staff at the college, as well as the field training needs of students, and develop appropriate training plans.
  • Follow up on the preparation of documents related to quality program files in accordance with the requirements of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.
  • Provide technical support in the field of quality assurance at the college level.
  • Collect and analyze necessary indicators and create statistics on the performance of the college's programs and activities, utilizing them to develop improvement plans.
  • Assist and monitor academic departments in planning and implementing academic activities, including setting academic standards, describing and reporting related programs and courses, and ensuring that learning outcomes align with the college's mission and strategic goals.
  • Prepare periodic and annual reports on the activities, events, and achievements of the Quality Assurance Unit.
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Helwan University strives to be a leading educational and research institution in technology and the arts, and excels in education and sciences according to international quality standards

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