Community Service and Environmental Development Agency

Vice Dean of the College for Environmental Development and Community Service
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Aziz Touny

The Agency for Community Service and Environmental Development in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration aims to achieve leadership and excellence in community participation and maximize the benefit from human resources in this field through interaction with the surrounding community and environment.


The Competencies and Activities of the Agency

Competencies and Activities of the Agency:

Objectives of the Agency for Community Service and Environmental Development at the College:

  • Establishing bridges to strengthen the connection and relationships between the college as an academic and research entity and community institutions.

  • Activating the role of specialized units and centers within the college to serve the community and market their services.

  • Raising awareness about the college's community service through engaging students and faculty members in various activities offered by the college to serve the community.

Key Competencies and Activities of the Agency for Community Service and Environmental Development:

  • Supervising the specialized units and centers within the college by delegation from the Dean of the College.

  • Focusing on applied research and studies necessary to solve problems related to the community and environment in collaboration with various agencies and organizations.

  • Establishing and activating partnerships and cooperation protocols with relevant entities and institutions concerning community service and environmental development.

  • Developing the college's self-resources through the activities of the Public Service Center for Commercial Consultations— a specialized unit affiliated with the agency.

  • Organizing scientific conferences, seminars, and public lectures aimed at community service and environmental development.

  • Continuously seeking job and training opportunities for the college's young graduates and maintaining communication with alumni through the Graduate Follow-up Unit affiliated with the agency.

  • Supervising the maintenance of the college's buildings and classrooms and managing crisis and disaster plans through the Crisis and Disaster Unit under the agency.

  • Implementing scientific and advisory caravans in various areas of community development.

  • Providing scientific consultations in the fields of community service and environmental development.

  • Executing the decisions of the Supreme Council of Universities, the University Council, and the Community Service and Environmental Development Council regarding community service and environmental development affairs.

  • Supervising the college’s website and ensuring it is continuously updated.

Activities of the Agency for Community Service and Environmental Development



First: In the Field of Environmental Conservation:

  1. Seminar on the Dangers of Smoking Addiction:
    The Agency for Community Service and Environmental Development, in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Work and the Faculty of Law, held a seminar titled "The Dangers of Smoking Addiction and the Role of Youth in Confronting It" at the college premises in Helwan on Wednesday, November 15, 2023.

  2. Seminar on the Economic Impacts of Climate Change and How to Address Them:
    The Agency organized a scientific seminar on the economic impacts of climate change and how to confront them, presented at the college on March 5, 2024.

  3. Seminar on Literacy and Requirements for Sustainable Development:
    The Agency held an awareness seminar on literacy and the requirements for sustainable development in light of Egypt's Vision 2030, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Rashid and Engineer Samah Saleh, presented at the college on March 20, 2024.

Second: Activities in the Field of Social Solidarity:

  1. Orphan Day Celebration:
    An Orphan Day was organized in collaboration with a local orphanage in Helwan, where a Ramadan breakfast was provided for a group of orphans, in cooperation with the youth care department at the college on April 2, 2024.

  2. Initiative "Our Diversity is Our Wealth":
    The college, in collaboration with the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services, executed a Cultural Dialogue Forum with the participation of 300 students from the college, which included a discussion on religious diversity, a seminar on citizenship, and a collective Iftar at the college premises in Zamalek on April 3, 2024.

Third: In the Field of Enhancing Student and Graduate Capacities:

The Agency for Community Service and Environmental Development offered a series of seminars and training courses through the Public Service Center for Commercial Consultations affiliated with the agency, aimed at enhancing the skills of students and graduates to prepare them for the job market.

Sustainability Policy


Quality Policy at the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration

The Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration is committed to providing a high-quality educational experience that meets the needs of students and faculty members. The quality policy of the faculty reflects its dedication to continuous improvement and excellence, striving to achieve academic and administrative distinction. The faculty works diligently to ensure the delivery of exceptional educational, research, and support services through the implementation of effective quality management practices.

Environmental Sustainability Policy

The Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration recognizes its responsibility to protect and preserve the environment for current and future generations. The environmental sustainability policy outlines the faculty’s commitment to promoting sustainable practices, reducing environmental impact, and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship. The faculty aims to be a role model and a source of positive change by integrating sustainability into its curricula and projects.

Admissions Policy

The Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration is committed to providing equal opportunities for quality higher education and ensuring a fair and transparent admissions process. This policy outlines the principles of the faculty's admissions criteria, which are designed to select applicants who demonstrate the potential for academic success and contribute positively to the college community.

Social Responsibility Policy

The social responsibility policy acknowledges the importance of social responsibility in enhancing positive impact on the local community and the world at large. This policy outlines the faculty's commitment to acting ethically, promoting sustainability, and participating in activities that benefit the community.

Waste Management Policy

The Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration is committed to responsible waste management practices that prioritize environmental sustainability, health, and safety. This policy clarifies the faculty’s commitment to reducing waste generation, encouraging recycling and reuse, ensuring proper disposal, and complying with all relevant regulations. The faculty aims to minimize its environmental impact, protect human health, and contribute to a more sustainable future through adherence to this policy.

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