Social Solidarity Fund


The Social Solidarity Fund at the Faculty aims to:

1. Achieve social security for students in various forms.
2. Address the problems faced by students that prevent them from continuing their studies peacefully due to financial difficulties, by providing them with in-kind and financial assistance. This support is for students who are financially unable.

**Assistance from the Social Solidarity Fund:**
The Social Solidarity Fund provides in-kind and financial assistance to financially unable students based on the following conditions:

1. The student must submit a social research form from the Youth Welfare Office, which should be filled out by the student.
2. The student must be a new entrant in their current academic year, not repeating any courses.
3. The student must be an Egyptian national.
4. The student must not have faced any disciplinary penalties that would prevent them from receiving assistance.
5. If the student's guardian is employed by the government, they must provide a statement of salary.
6. The monthly income per person in the family should not exceed 120 EGP.
7. If the student's guardian is retired, they must provide a statement of pension.
8. If the student's guardian is a farmer, they must provide a social research report from the relevant local social unit and a statement of agricultural holdings.
9. The student must submit a request addressed to Prof. Dr. Dean of the Faculty, explaining the family's social and economic circumstances.
10. The student must provide a copy of the page listing family members on the ration card.

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