BIS Admission Requirements
The rules issued by the Supreme Council of Universities, the University Council, and the College Council specify a number of conditions on the basis of which admission to the Business Information Systems program is based, namely:
1. The student must have a high school diploma in the same academic year for admission.
2. The student must be accepted to the College of Commerce and Business Administration regularly, through the Coordination Office, and in the same year of application, taking into account that the college does not accept students to join the Business Information Systems program.
3. The minimum admission to the degree of English will be determined in light of the indicators of coordination and admission to universities in proportion to the current stage and to ensure justice for students, preferably graduates of schools in which the first foreign language is English.
4. Holders of the English Secondary School Certificate (IGCSE) provided that they obtain a grade of (C) at least in the English language subject.
5. Holders of the American High School Diploma, provided that they obtain a grade of (C) at least in English.
6- The preference when accepting students should be in light of the numbers approved by the Supreme Council of Universities on the basis of the legal total of the grades obtained by the student (total high school + English language degree + high level degree in English, if any).
7. The precedence of admission shall be among the students nominated for the college directly from the Coordination Office, and the acceptance of students transferred from other universities in the event of vacant places on the same basis as the previous within the limits of the remaining number of the original stage "previous".
8. A decision is issued by the College Council and approved by the President of the University to approve the result of admission to the Business Information Systems Program, so that those covered by the decision become in the rule of those admitted to the program. The lists of accepted students are announced at the college headquarters and also on the official website of the program.
9. The accepted student shall attend the program's headquarters in Zamalek on the announced dates to complete the procedures for his registration in the program.
10. On the dates of registration, the accepted student must attend the program's headquarters in Zamalek to choose the courses that he will study, under the guidance of the academic advisor, register them and pay the tuition fees.