Hospitals Program

Scientific Degrees

At the suggestion of the Board of the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Helwan University awards the following degrees through the Institute:

First: Diploma

Second: Master's degree

Third: Doctorate

In the following disciplines:

Hospital Management - Health Information Systems - Health Economics


Program System & Duration

- The study at the Institute is based on the system of accredited hours. The student's diploma in one of the disciplines is required to pass (30 credits) by 10 courses, including three optional courses.

The minimum graduate degree is two semesters and the maximum is four.

- The student is also required to obtain an academic master's degree in one of the disciplines to pass (54 credit hours), divided into (30 hours accredited through courses) and (24 credit hours consisting of preparing a scientific message through the competent scientific department)

In terms of obtaining a professional master's degree, the student must pass (42 credits) according to the study plan followed by the competent department.

The minimum academic and vocational master's degree is four classes and the maximum is eight.

Fields of Study & Specialized Programs


The Institute for Hospital Management and Health Economics offers a range of unique degrees, as they rely on specialized areas needed by the labour market in Egypt and Arab and African countries. Thus, the Institute offers the following specializations:

1-Postgraduate diploma in hospital management

2-Postgraduate diploma in health economics

3-Postgraduate Diploma in Health Information Systems

4. Master's degree in hospital management

5. Academic Master's Degree in Health Economics

6. Master's degree in health information systems

7. Professional Master in Hospital Management

8. Master's degree in health economics

9. Master's degree in health information systems

10-Doctorate in Hospital Management

11-Doctorate in Health Economics

12-PhD in Health Information Systems

Programme enrolment requirements

The Institute accepts students with a first degree from Egyptian universities or postgraduate institutes recognized in various disciplines or Bachelor of Military Sciences. The Institute's studies are limited to postgraduate level after bachelor's degree.

Degree Requirements

First: For the diploma stage

1- To obtain the diploma degree, the student must pass (30 credit hours) by 10 courses, including three elective courses.

Second: For the master's degree

1- The student is required to obtain an academic master's degree in one of the disciplines to pass (54 credit hours) to be divided into (30 credit hours through courses) and (24 credit hours represented in the preparation of the student scientific thesis through the competent scientific department)

2- As for obtaining a professional master's degree, the student is required to pass (42 credit hours) according to the study plan after which the competent department.

Third: For the doctoral stage

1- The student is required to obtain a doctorate degree to pass (24 credit hours) in the form of courses

2- The student must pass the comprehensive doctoral exam

3- The student must submit a thesis in the subject of specialization by 24 credit hours.

4- The minimum for obtaining a doctoral degree is 6 semesters

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Helwan University strives to be a leading educational and research institution in technology and the arts, and excels in education and sciences according to international quality standards

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