Historical Upbringing

- The Academic Postgraduate Program in Business Information Systems (PBIS) operates a certified watch system, which grants a diploma, a master's degree, and a doctorate of philosophy in business information systems.
- Teaching in the program is selected from the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, as well as selected from the Faculty of Computing and Information at the University, as well as from various universities of the Republic, who have held multiple scientific and academic positions, possess many practical experiences, and are familiar with all new and modern in the specialization of business information systems.
- The study in the program is conducted in English, as is the study at the college's headquarters in Zamalek.
- Managers and managers who hold managerial and supervisory positions in various institutions.
- Appointees and assistant teachers at universities and the Higher State and Private Institute.
- Specialist in business information systems in different sectors of the State and public and private companies.
- Those who want to develop their own abilities, knowledge and skills in a modern manner.
- Employees in the field of business information technology and systems.
- Graduates of business information systems (BIS) and graduates of management information systems (MIS) from various Egyptian, Arab, foreign and higher institutes.