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Student Activities and Student Union

The Student Union is composed of regular students who have paid their student union fees. The goal of the student union is to achieve the following:

  • Develop spiritual, ethical, national, and civic awareness among students.
  • Foster a healthy university spirit among students and strengthen the bond between them, the faculty members, and the staff.
  • Discover students’ talents, abilities, and skills, and encourage their development.
  • Promote the formation of student families and cooperative student associations, supporting their activities.
  • Organize and promote sports, social, scouting, artistic, and cultural activities, raising their standards.
  • Organize the utilization of students' energies to serve the community, benefiting the nation.

The Student Union Council works to achieve these goals through the following committees:

  1. Family Committee
  2. Sports Activities Committee
  3. Cultural Activities Committee
  4. Artistic Activities Committee
  5. Scouting and Public Service Committee
  6. Social Activities and Trips Committee

Committee Responsibilities for Student Activities

First: Artistic Activities

The Artistic Activities committee aims to refine and showcase students' talents through the following programs and fields:

  1. Training students in music and singing at the training center in Helwan.
  2. Participation in the annual visual arts exhibition at the university level.
  3. Organizing art exchanges between faculties of the university.
  4. Participation in the annual theatrical arts festival.
  5. Variety competitions (individual singing, solo instrumental, group music, etc.).
  6. Training students in various fields of visual arts under specialized leadership.

Visual Arts Competition Categories:

  1. Oil painting
  2. Graphic design ("drawing, printed designs")
  3. Decorative arts
  4. Sculpture
  5. Ceramics
  6. Photography
  7. Artistic works (printing, weaving, wood, and metalwork)
  8. Art creation with different materials

Awards for Artistic Activities:

  • First place in the variety theater.
  • First place in solo singing.
  • First place in group music.
  • First place in theater.

Second: Scouting and Public Services

The Scouting Committee focuses on developing scouting skills and training scouts through various programs, including:

  • Periodic meetings for scouts.
  • Training camps and selection of scouts.
  • University-wide scouting and guiding festival.
  • Scout trade course at the level of Egyptian commerce faculties.
  • Scouting exhibitions inside and outside the faculty.
  • Local and central public service activities.
  • Achieving excellent supervision in the university-wide scouting and guiding camps.
  • Organizing a recreational camp to conclude the scouting activities.
  • Winning first place in the scouts’ competitions for both male and female scouts.
  • First place in the scouting exhibition at the university level.

Third: Social Activities and Trips

The Social Activities Committee at the faculty organizes the following competitions and activities:

  • Social Issues Competition
  • Ideal Student Competition (for both male and female students)
  • Chess Competition
  • Blood Donation Campaigns
  • Organizing recreational trips to various tourist destinations across the country.

Fourth: Student Families

  • Student Families are formed at the beginning of each academic year.
  • The number of students in each family ranges from 50 to 100 students, representing all academic years in the faculty.
  • Student families engage in various student activities through the different committees within each family.
  • The Family Committee organizes competitions for the ideal student and ideal female student.
  • The committee aims to strengthen the bonds between students and faculty members, promoting cooperation, friendship, and mutual support.
  • The Mubarak Family won second place overall at the university level.
  • First place for the Ideal Female Student at the university level.
  • Distinguished Family: The Environment Family (First place).

These student activities aim to build a vibrant, engaging, and supportive campus environment that nurtures personal development, teamwork, and a sense of social responsibility.

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Helwan University strives to be a leading educational and research institution in technology and the arts, and excels in education and sciences according to international quality standards

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