; College Departments Faculty of Commerce and Business Adminstration


Faculty Departments

Political Science

Information Systems

Applied Statistics

Business Adminstration

Economics & Foreign Trade


Department Name
Business Management
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Ewis
Department's fields of work
The fields of work include the following department: Graduates from the college in general and the Department of Business Administration, in particular, are available at work in all governmental and non-governmental agencies and in the public and private sector in all administrative, production, commercial, financial, marketing and informational jobs, in addition to working in the financial sector in banks, insurance companies and companies working in the field of securities as well as stock exchanges and securities and the Capital Market Authority.
Department majors of specialization
There are no official specializations within the department, but a student can increase his knowledge and deepen his specialization in many fields including finance, marketing, production and process research, advertising, organizational analysis, human resources, information systems and administrative behavior.
Faculty members and their assistants in the department
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Important Links
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