Faculty of Commerce and Business Adminstration


Program Name
English Section
Admissions requirement in the English section
The rules that are issued by the supreme council of the universities, the university council, and the faculty council is used to identify the conditions based on which the submission acceptance in the English section which are:
1. The student must have the high school certificate on the same academic year of the admission.
2. That the student is must be admitted to the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration regularly through the Coordination Office, And in the same admission year ( i.e. a modern high school).bearing in mind that the faculty does not accept the affiliation students in the English section.
3. Getting at least 80% of the final grade in the English language subject, and graduates of schools whose first foreign language is English are preferred.
4. Holders of an IGCSE, conditionally upon to a minimum grade of (C) in the English language subject.
5. Holders of an American Diploma high school, conditionally upon to a minimum grade of (C) in the English language subject.
6. The preference should be when students are accepted in light of the numbers approved by the Supreme Council of Universities based on the total sum of the degrees obtained by the student (total of high school + English language subject level + high-level degree in English language subject if available).
7. The admission priority will be among the students nominated for the faculty directly from the Coordination Office, and the acceptance of the students transferred from other universities in case of vacant places on the same previous basis within the limits of the remaining number of the original "previous" stage.
8. A decision is issued by the Faculty Council and approved by the University's President to approve the result of acceptance into the English section, and thus become all the included on the decision is like who is admitted to the section.
The Applying procedures for the admission to the Faculty's English section
1. The student or his representative purchases the application file from the faculty's Language Section Coordination Committee.
2. Fulfill the attached application form.
3. Write a pledge to guarantee that the submitted data, information, and documents are correct.
4. Attach the specified documents in the enrollment request.
5. The acceptance coordination committee reviews and sign the file.
6. The student receives the application receipt and serial number.
7. After closing the application gateway, applicants are subject to the internal coordination according to the previously specified conditions.
The available majors to the English section students
The student has the opportunity to choose from 7 academic specializations starting with the third level. It is a unique feature that is not found in any other faculty of commerce in Egypt. On the one hand, the faculty includes the traditional specializations for commercial studies, in addition to the availability of a distinct and unique number of specializations that are not found in any other faculty of Commerce such as Foreign Trade, Management Information Systems, and International Relations.

The available specializations (majors) for the English section's Students are:
    • Accounting section
    • Business administration section
    • Foreign trade economics section
    • Economics section
    • International Relations section
    • Applied statistics section
    • Management Information systems section
The Studying system
1. The study duration for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in one of the aforementioned specializations is four academic years, divided into eight semesters with two semesters per academic year.
2. Specialization in the different sections starts within the third academic level.
3. The study is based on lectures and practical lectures.
4. For a student to be graduated, he must successfully pass the courses listed in the approved faculty’s regulations, ranging from 50-51 courses distributed over 8 semesters.
The study in the English section is characterized by low classroom density and all the lectures are held in rooms and small halls of not more than 100 students.
There is a direction towards reducing the number of students into 80 (in the case of the first and second academic level), while the study in the specialization sections (the third and fourth academic levels), the intensity in the classes falls, the number in some majors is less than 25 students.
This environment allows for a high degree of interaction between the student and the professor, the high achievement capacity of students, and the utilization of the professors' potential to the maximum extent.
The professors who are teaching in the English section are a selected group of distinguished professors who have devoted their education to the most prestigious universities.
The required documents in case of acceptance are:
1. The nomination card for the student-directed from the faculty coordination office Or printed online.
2. Original high school certificate + a copy of it.
3. The modern original birth certificate.
4. 10 personal photos.
5. A copy of the personal ID (national ID).
6. A copy of a parent's national ID.
7. Military service card (Form #2) for male.
8. A pledge of the data accuracy and an obligation to pay the specified academic fees.
The medical Examination
After nominating the student for the faculty admission, the student is not considered enrolled in the faculty except after conducting the medical examination at the university's medical administration, paying the prescribed academic fees and obtaining the university card.
The student obtains a medical examination form approved by the Student Affairs Department, and he directs it to the medical department of the faculty to carry out the necessary medical examinations, at the specific dates of the faculty, where the medical examination proves that he is free from any infectious diseases and its health validity to hold on the study.
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