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The Unit Name :
Graduates Follow-up Unit
The Unit Manager :

Unit Message
Work to achieve effective communication between the faculty and its graduates by helping them with the suitable job opportunities for their specialization in light of the recent developments.
Unit goals:
Achieving effective communication between the faculty in its various scientific departments and its graduates and working to help them find suitable job opportunities.
Communication with companies and introducing them to the graduate’s specifications in order to provide suitable job opportunities.
Create a database for graduates to help companies look for employees in the fields of specialization to access graduates easily.
Establishing training programs for graduates to develop their skills in accordance with the nature and need of the labor market and technological developments in the field of specialization.
Unit tasks:
1. Create a database for graduates. Communication with graduates through various means of communication. Follow ups for graduates and involve them in the process of developing curriculum.
2. Preparing training courses for graduates to enable them to find the right jobs and how to get them.
3. Communicating with different companies and institutions to obtain their job needs and announcing them to graduates.
Directors Boards:
1. Chairman Board / Faculty Dean
2. Vice Chairman / Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Affairs.
3. Unit Director / Dr.
4. Coordinator from each department.
5. Faculty Director.
6. A representative from the Student Affairs.
7. A graduate member.
8. Unit Secretary /

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